
People For People Network Marketing First Impressions

Consider these facts: The business of network marketing worldwide is able to produce more millionaires than any other industry. Over more than a hundred thousand people all over the globe sign up, either part-time or full-time, to be network marketers each and every week. As of today, there are currently over 50 million network marketers […]

An Introduction To Affiliate Marketing

4 Essentials To Convert Network Marketing Leads Without Speaking To Anyone

A Guide To Grow Your Content Site And Generate Profits

7 Tips For Success And Better Results In Network Marketing

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10 Reasons Why Your Business Needs A Website

Web design is the art and procedure of building a single web page or entire an website. It may involve both the mechanics as well as the aesthetics of a web site’s operation, though first and foremost it focuses on the feel and look of the website and the design elements. A web design is a selection and coordination of obtainable components to produce the layout and edifice of a web page. Web design has a major impact on web marketing efforts. Some of the major aspects that may include in web production or web design are graphics, color selection, animation, navigation design, font selection, content creation, ecommerce, and java script programming.

10 good reasons why your business requires a web site

Expediency for customers

It is much easier and quicker than in the past to use an Internet while searching for business and products in a wide range. Millions of web searches are done daily and it is quite common for business to locate their next supplier on the web and customers to research a website on the internet. If you don’t have an website online then you could be missing sales you didn’t know you could have had.

Offers greater exposure

Your business website will be noticeable to all your current clients and your potential clients too. You will not be tied up for long to a limited geographical exposure of the phone book or the yellow pages. Your customers won’t have to visit your retail outlets or office to see an example of what you provide, nor will they need any marketing materials posted to them.

More information

You can provide more information on a website than you could in any yellow pages, print advertisement, and TV/radio advertisement. There are no time restrictions and space restrictions on a website, so you will be able to say more of what you want and keep adding more information if required.

Inexpensive and effective advertising

Supplying or advertising on a website is not as expensive and quite effective. Your customer will definitely have a good and better knowledge of your services and products, since they’re able to explore your services and products at anytime they want.

Fulfills your brand pledge

With a professionally designed web site it can become an additional part of your brand Your business site can be enhanced and you can create a professional image online, thus giving your competitors a healthy as well as difficult competition.

Saves money

You can save money on postage and printing costs for brochures, specials, flyer, newsletters, and other mailings.

Always available

Your office or retailing shops may open 9-5 through Monday to Friday, but your website is doing business 24/7. Even if there are no personnel in the office your services may be automatically done through the website.

Saves time

You can save time of answering customer’s enquiries or questions over the phone by uploading ones own website which answers most of the queries of customers and others.

Easier to test novel ideas

You can publish and create new content within a few minutes at no cost with a content management system installed on your site.

Ultimately it’s your decision, but keep in mind that soon we’ll get to point where customers will not only ask for your website address but insist on it or find someone else more up to date.

A Guide To Grow Your Content Site And Generate Profits

Looking for a step by step method to grow your content site and turn it into profits? This blueprint will show you how to do it.

Throw In Money-Making Systems

There are so many ways to do this, it would be too difficult to list them all.

The most obvious is adding ‘Pay per Click’ links, like Google Adsense or one of the alternatives. Since your blog will be tightly themed, you’ll see well targeted ads appearing across your blog.

Another proven system is to run ads for products or services. These can be your own, or ones you’re promoting as an affiliate.

A critical way you can differentiate yourself from the crowd is to do a short ‘advertorial’ (or endorsement) instead of merely placing a link or banner for the product or service you’re promoting. Use a picture, some bullet points highlighting the biggest benefits, end with a powerful call to action, and insert your affiliate link.

When you’ve created this endorsement box, insert it into the blog template so it shows up across your blog, getting your ad multiple exposures – giving you the highest chance of making a sale.

Kickstart The Marketing

Set up your blog to ping the major services every time you update your blog.

Promote your opt-in list everywhere – in email sig files, on forum signatures, on ezine directories, running paid ads, ad swaps, doing JV deals.

  • Submit your blog’s RSS feed to all the major directories.
  • Use ‘tag and ping’ to get listed in social bookmarking sites.
  • Run your blog roll list – and start conversations with other bloggers.
  • Encourage visitors, subscribers and forum registrants to help spread the word.
  • Submit articles to various directories and ezines, linking back to your blog.

These are the most effective, least expensive methods I’ve used to drive the initial rush of traffic. They should work well to begin with – and then, you can take it as high as you wish.

How It All Synchronizes Together

Sure, it takes some time to set this all up correctly. But when you consider how easily and effortlessly you can continue to manage your ’system’ once it’s set up, you’ll agree it’s well worth the effort.

When your framework is in place, here’s what you’ll have to continue doing:

1. Post a short article or post to your blog regularly, often

2. Well, really, there is NOTHING further to do!


Your post on your blog will link to your forum – inviting visitors to discuss it. If you allow comments to be posted, these visitors will also generate content for your own blog.

The discussions on the forum will generate a vibrant community – after some intiial nurturing and hand-holding, of course – which then becomes self-sustaining. (Think about how often you see Allen Says in here, and you’ll get the idea!)

The autoresponder system will automatically pull content from your RSS feed and email it to your registered subscribers, providing them with the latest content, and maybe also enticing them back to the forum and blog.

As more and more visitors hit your blog and forum, your list will grow, and more folks see your ads – and soon you’ll be making sales.

Throw in viral pass-along systems, and everything grows incrementally – hands off.

Your only ‘expense’ needs to be on content development (if you don’t want to do it yourself). Everything else can be found for free, or at a very nominal cost (not counting your time and effort investment in learning and implementing the technology)… and will quickly become self-financing if your PPC and direct sales revenues grow.

7 Tips For Success And Better Results In Network Marketing

Achieving better results in Network Marketing is not as difficult as you may think. But if your success rate has not been so good to date, there is a reasonable chance that you have not being doing things the easy way, or should I say, the “lazy” way.

The secret is not to work harder but to work smarter, so let’s take a look at the 7 tips below to see how they can help you to succeed.

Are You Using an Internet-Based Marketing System

Operating your network marketing business on line gives you far greater capabilities in lead generation and follow up so if you are not already marketing your program on the Internet, it really is time to start.

Doing things this way will bring the leads to you instead of you having to find them and best of all your lead generation and follow up can be carried out automatically. .

Improve the Way You Targeting Your Audience

Your targeting can be improved immensely when you use the Internet. All you need to do is find out what your prospects are looking for, discover where they hang out on line and make sure your advertising hits these locations.

Instant Follow Up

When your leads are captured to an automated email opt-in list this provides an instant follow up which is always best for your business. You will then have more time to spend on persuasion and pre-selling.

Learn How to Use Leverage

If you want your business to grow rapidly you need to learn how to leverage both your time and your money. You should always put a percentage of your profits straight back into your business on a monthly basis. You can use leverage for just about anything – to increase your advertising budget, introduce helpful business tools, continue education and even for outsourcing.

The whole aim should be to put your time and money into something which will multiply your profits.

Have More Than One Stream of Income

Are all your eggs in one basket? You should have more than one stream of income as relying on any single MLM program to make you rich is simply not realistic.

Go for multiple streams of income from a good mix of programs providing both straight commission as well as residual income so that your wealth will accumulate.

Automate As Much As You Possibly Can

Do some research and check out the ways you can get your business running successfully “hands free” Internet based marketing can be automated in more ways than lead generation and follow up – it is all there just waiting for your discovery!

Never Forget Your Downline!

The performance of your down line affects your results so make sure you teach the members how to succeed in what they are doing. It is important to keep up motivation and interest by touching base with them every now and then. You could even consider publishing a regular newsletter dedicated specifically to your down line.

7 Ways To Improve Your Ezine Response Rates

If your Ezine response rates are low there could be several reasons for this. You may not be keeping up with current subscribers and readers the way you need to. The material you present may have become stale and boring. Or perhaps you’re just not reaching the right kind of readers, even through the marketing and advertising techniques you’ve been currently taking advantage of.

Here are seven ideas to jump start your Ezine response rate back to, and maybe even above, where it was before.

1. Try new techniques for advertising and marketing online. This should be especially effective if you’ve only been using one kind of advertising campaign. Instead of just using only pop ups or only banner ads, try using two or more kinds of online advertising. For example, try using popunders because they are cheap and work in a way that seems to get more page views. Add onto that banner ads targeted to websites that market products and/or services discussed in your Ezine. Also, consider creating a website and, if you have already accomplished this, making it something new and fresh for visitors.

2. Use online networking sites such as Myspace, facebook, friendster, cafemom and many, many more. Create a site in each networking site dedicated solely to your Ezine. You can then go through each networking site’s search engine to find members of that site who may be interested in what your Ezine has to offer. For example, if you’re Ezine has to do with quilting, then look up men and women who are part of quilting groups online. You can post an announcement or send personal messages to members of those groups to let them know about your Ezine. Search their personal sites as sometimes they will list other groups on other websites that deal with the same topic. You can then go to those websites and see if you can advertise there as well.

3. Try targeted emails. There are some companies that offer email lists of people who are interested in the very topic your Ezine covers. Like any form of advertising however, it does cost some money. You may want to research a few companies and find out how well their targeted email campaign has worked for others that have used their services.

4. Advertise offline. Print some out flyers and business cards to distribute at welcoming stores and offices for their clients to see. Hit the college campuses where the bulletin boards are read quite often. Don’t forget to use your word of mouth. Word of mouth can sometimes be the largest generator of business you’ll ever see. Begin with friends and family who you know you can count on to subscribe. Ask them to pass on the news of your Ezine to those they think might be even remotely interested.

5. Ask your current subscribers and clients to pass the word about your Ezine. Again it is a great way to watch your response rate grow. If you find things are not moving along the way you plan, throw a little money or reward the reader’s way with bonuses for referrals. When people see they could get rewarded, even in a small way, for bringing more business your way they are more likely to participate.

6. If all the above still isn’t raising the response rates for you, then perhaps it is time for a brand new look for your Ezine. Bring in some new content producers. They can bring a fresh taste to any stale content you are currently sending out to subscribers. Also consider a fresh new look and tactics. Maybe a new name for your Ezine would do the trick and get more readers curious about what they see in their inbox. Keep up with the latest Ezine trends and try to out do them by a mile.

7. If all else fails then it is time for the dreaded client satisfaction survey. It may take some time to get all the data you need to figure out what you need to change in order to get a higher response rate, but it will pay off in the end. Ask your current subscribers how they feel about the content, advertising methods, look of the Ezine and what would make them read more and open that email every time they see it.

While there are for certain more ideas out there than just these seven for increasing your Ezine response rate, these are a good start. Just remember that what you want for your Ezine is never as important as what the client is looking for. You may enjoy what you have created, but if you can’t get a good subscriber base, then it is all for not.

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